Friday, April 3, 2009

Polaroid is back!

Polaroid is emerging from Chapter 11 as a new, privately held Polaroid Corporation owned by OEP Imaging Corporation. The full article from PTN can be read at

The new arrangement eliminates more than $1 billion of debt for Polaroid and, according to the Boston Globe, the purchase by OEP gives the instant photo pioneer "a chance to end its bankruptcy within weeks and continue in business as a well-capitalized competitor." Polaroid lawyers said the deal could mean that all current Polaroid employees would keep their jobs. (But Polaroid has already cut its work force in half since 2001.)

Polaroid actually has never discontinued production of its film and I have been buying some of it lately. First, I’m used to it in my 545i for my Zero 4x5 and second, I am used to how it reacts. Well, actually, there’s a third reason. Fuji is really mum on their film.
I have used it but it is very different, especially if you try transfers. And I do like transfers and lifts.

The difficulty with Fuji is that a transfer has to be done in almost total darkness. The Polaroid does not. The Fuji base is stronger, though thinner, and lifts aren’t that easy, either.

I was going to switch to Readyloads, but good Lord, have you seen the price of that stuff?
I considered buying a Fuji Instant Film holder, but they are like hen’s teeth except for a few exceptions on e-bay and they are pricey.

I also considered Rite Way and/or Lisco holders, but couldn’t bring myself to carting stuff around like Matthew Brady so re-thought that. (I must admit that it intrigues me somewhat to be shooting film again…Ortho? Wow!) Then that means I would be back in the darkroom and I really don’t want to go there. But, like all things photographic, there is a trade off. The black and white fiber based images are still pretty awesome.

Again, I do like shooting Fuji Superia ISO 100 and converting to black and white, but the images aren’t quite the same as fiber paper prints. So, if I want to stay out of the darkroom, my options boil down to having a lab charge exorbitant prices for processing sheet film or shooting instant film and that brings us back to the folks in Cambridge.

I really do hope Polaroid comes back. I like the film. (I don’t like their attitudes about customer service. They have never been good. Monopolies seem to forget how they got there. Remember Ernestine the AT&T “operator” on Laugh In?)

Anyway, I will be posting some new Instant Film transfers soon and hope you like what I come up with. But, I am a little apprehensive about the Fuji so everyone cross your fingers for Polaroid.

By the way, the photograph above was taken in on the ferry Essex in San Diego Harbor last month. Ferries like this one don’t really exist like this anymore. It was a pretty luxurious boat for its day as can be seen by the teak, shellac and amenities. Makes for great pinholes, too. The exposure was 30 alligators on, of course, Fuji Superia. Yeah and it was shot with my trusty Zero 2000.

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