Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 15. The Tea Party.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Thomas Jefferson

I know this is a pinhole blog. But, I must say I am getting prouder of the American people everyday. I never thought we would come to our senses and fight the tyranny of this government "for the people, by the people and of the people."

April 15 is teaparty day. I hope you will all join in and send a message to Congress that we will not stand for this anymore.

These are, quite literally, "times that try mean's souls." Please. It is time to tell our so-called representatives that it is our country and they are our representatives. We do not work for them. They work for us!

They will tow the line or we will vote them all out!

Thomas Jefferson also said "When a government no longer fears the people it is tyranny."

Happy April 15.


  1. Maybe if we hadn't eliminated the controls established in the 1930's that have protected the free markets from the distastrous fluctuations like we're experiencing now, we wouldn't have to be making such extraordinary efforts to work together to solve our common problems.

  2. Good point. And if we eliminated the Federal Reserve, which was ostensible set up to prevent such occurences, we wouldn' have this problem, either.

  3. Actually, the controls that prevented the housing crisis and it's resulting ripple effects throughout the economy were eliminated by the Clinton Administration, which pushed banks into giving out the subprime mortages, with the stated goal of increasing home ownership. Businesses try to avoid risks, which is why they try to diversify, and why they are normally unwilling to make risky loans to people that do not have the means to pay them back. Without the government's strong influence, they would not have made the risky loans.
