Saturday, April 11, 2009

The View

Nope. This is not a commentary on the TV Show The View. First, I've never seen it (yes, I do read Yahoo News) and second, I never watch TV. I never do unless I am housesitting for Diana's mother who has a TV in every room of the house. (Talk about warped sensibilities). I turned one on the first time we housesat and went through, I think, about 100 channels, commenting to Diana, "Now I remember why we don't have one of these, let alone 6!"

Anyway, someone asked me if I use a viewfinder for my pinhole photographs. Well, sometimes.

(I learned how to answer that way in Politician's school.)


Maybe yes. Maybe no. (You can learn that one after 8 years in Med' school.)

I am being evasive because I like being surprised mostly by what I get without "seeing" it first. But, if I need to absolutely know what area I am covering with my pinhole, I borrow a trick from Hollywood. My hands.

First, you don't need a lanyard to keep this finder around your neck. It's always handy (couldn't resist the pun), it is variable format which is perfect for my 6x6 and 4x5 and it is original equipment (it came with the body at birth, although it has changed size over the years and has gotten a bit wrinkled with use) and it serves multiple loader, eye shade, occasional eating utensil, cable release and all 'round usage for expressing one's self in traffic.

To use, one needs to simply hold an approximation of the format (6x6) up to the eye, hold it about as far from your eye as the focal length of the camera (my Zero 2000 is about 1 inch) and take a peek. For other formats, simply change the size (4x5 requires approximation) of the hand frame.

Now, if you really want to use this viewfinder all of the time, you may find yourself in trouble occasionally as you, for example, lay on the ground on an urban sidewalk and aim up! Of course, if you take your hat off, put in a few quarters and look like I do when shooting in my grubbies, you might pick up a few extra bucks. (Who says photography doesn't pay?)

But, this is a great way to get a rough idea of what you are getting. Truthfully, I usually opt for surprise as some of my photographs show. Some good. Some not so good.

Make this our little secret. I don't want this to get out. For the entrepreneurs out there I must tell you that there is little market for these but manufacturing costs are really low.

That's it for now. I have to go. Justice! I just baked a huge Lasagna and we're off to a Lasagna and Strawberry feast. Hope the snow stopped in Spokadoodle. It's 66 degrees here!

(Can't wait to get my Arches Paper in! That Fuji Instant Film is burning a hole in my camera bag.)

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